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East Village plan drafted

April 17, 2007

A revised design for an East Lansing development project and the city's 2008 finances are among the items up for discussion at tonight's City Council meeting.

The meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. in City Hall, 410 Abbott Road. A public hearing will take place during the meeting for residents to comment on the budget proposal for the 2008 fiscal year, which begins July 1.

Representatives from The San Diego-based Pierce Company Inc. are ready to reveal their next design concept for the East Village project during the meeting tonight.

This latest design combines input received from the project's various stakeholders in March, when The Pierce Company presented five initial concepts, said Theresa Nakata, the company's vice president for marketing and communications.

"It's not the final design, it's an evolution," Nakata said earlier this month.

The development involves revamping the 35-acre area bounded by East Grand River Avenue, Hagadorn Road, Bogue Street and the Red Cedar River with a mix of retail, residential and entertainment properties.

The Pierce Company representatives' visit to the City Council is just one of many meetings the company will have during its weeklong visit with East Lansing and MSU officials, residents and community members.

When the representatives last visited in March, they showcased five potential designs for the project, and Nakata said they expected to return with two or three designs, instead of the single design.

Prior to the regular council meeting, a special work session will be held at 5:30 p.m. today in City Hall for council members to further discuss the budget proposal.

The session serves as a continuation of budget discussions that the council began at its April 10 work session.

A key factor in discussing the budget remains the state's volatile economy and how much funding East Lansing might receive.

"Every day, there seems to be a new flaky proposal that comes out of one member's mouth or another," City Manager Ted Staton said April 10. "We don't know how to react to that. We clearly have that as a vulnerability."

The recommended budget will be revised before its approval, slated for May 15.


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