Thursday, March 6, 2025

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Pool improvements will prove inconsequential

Concerning The State News' editorial, "Proposed campus upgrades warranted" (SN 1/23), what the swimming facilities at IM Sports-West need "to bring the '50s-era facility into the 21st century" is a new indoor 50-meter, 10-lane swimming pool with an attached diving well.

I practiced and competed in the present pool during the '60s and early '70s, and nothing has been done throughout the years to keep pace with improvements in the field of aquatics. It's no wonder the present pool is a safety concern — it's an antique!

In keeping with the great Spartan tradition of cutting-edge facilities for all, get with it and get a new pool!

Peter Fetters
1988 MSU graduate and 1968-71 MSU varsity swimmer


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