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Group seeks help through donations

January 10, 2007

While the traditional 30th anniversary gift might be pearls, End Violent Encounters, Inc., or EVE, will settle for a small donation.

The Lansing-based nonprofit domestic violence organization will distribute house-shaped donation boxes to local businesses, marking its 30th anniversary. The proceeds will add to EVE's budget for domestic violence prevention and counseling.

Nancy Bates, EVE's community development director, said she wants to raise $5,000 in donations.

"We're seeking a lot of the women-owned businesses, a lot of the hair salons," Bates said. "Any business, any church that would like to have one, we're open to anyone."

Bates said the donations will give the organization a boost beyond the grants which make up the majority of EVE's funding.

EVE sheltered 417 women and children, and aided more than 2,000 women last year, Bates said. The group offers shelter, support groups and counseling to women and children who are victims of domestic violence.

It also has violence prevention programs for middle and high school students who are in relationships.

In 1977, a Lansing group of domestic violence victims founded the Council Against Domestic Assault, Lansing's first domestic violence shelter. Three years ago, CADA changed its name to EVE, Bates said.

EVE often teams with MSU Safe Place, which provides an on-campus domestic violence shelter and various programs. And while domestic violence assistance benefits the community, MSU Safe Place Director Holly Rosen said contacting the police is vital to ending abuse.

"A lot of victims don't go to law enforcement," Rosen said. "Traditionally, one out of four women have experienced relationship violence in their lives."

Rosen said financial support for local domestic violence programs is adequate, but wants donations to keep coming.

"It's the kind of thing that we can always use more funding for," Rosen said.

EVE is also seeking members of the MSU community to help out.

"We have lots of volunteer opportunities," Bates said.


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