Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Front & Center

October 11, 2006

Isaiah Dahlman

Freshman guard

Hometown: Braham, Minn.

On how he likes MSU so far:

It's really cool. At my old school, I only had like 50 kids in my class, so it's a lot different. You see new people every day. That's what I kind of like about it because you may never see the same person more than once.

On how Michigan is different from Minnesota:

It rains a lot more in East Lansing. I've noticed that. It's probably a little colder in Minnesota. That's the biggest difference. Otherwise, they're really similar to me.

On his favorite thing to do here besides playing basketball:

I like going to the movie theater. They have a really nice movie theater here. I didn't have a movie theater in my hometown, so that's kinda cool to me.

On if he misses his mom's cooking:

The first month here, I kind of got sick of the dorm food a little bit. I called Mom and asked her to come cook me a meal or something. Dorm food is great — for a while.

On what he thinks of Tom Izzo:

He's a tough coach. The thing I love about him, and part of the reason I knew I was going to come here, is I knew he was going to get the best out of me and get me to be the best I can be.


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