Thursday, March 6, 2025

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'Crash' poignant film worthy of nomination

Ryan McCormick's perception of the world in his review of "Crash" in "'Crash' doesn't deserve best picture nomination" (SN 3/02) is just as horrible as his view of the movie. People are entitled to their own opinions, but many of his views were so extremely closed-minded and glass-half-empty that they are only absurd!

Corny as the opening line of the movie is, it makes us think as viewers. Just think of the line, "Safe. When I'm with you I feel so safe, like I'm home." That's corny as hell, yet "Garden State" seems to be one of everyone's favorite movies. And yes, the goal was emotion — why do movies even exist if they aren't there to evoke emotion?

As an audience, it is only natural to identify with characters that screenwriters create. McCormick thinks that Matt Dillon's role as a jerk and a man as an angry Iranian are unbelievable characters?

News flash, buddy: Millions of people like that exist in the world today — these people are real — and yes, there is a lot of passive racism, but the blatant racism? He says, "Not that blatant racism doesn't happen, but 'Crash' seemed to be forcing racism." Well, it's happening.

As an Asian American, I realize that some things are easier for me to see than others.

Touchy issues such as racism are always tiptoed around, and sometimes the best thing you can do is be blunt about it. Just like you would tell a friend who you only want to help when they certainly don't want your help, people like the makers of "Crash" are trying to get a firm grip on America to say, "Hey. This stuff is happening, and it's not helping anyone."

There's no need to be pessimistic just because those people are getting nominated for an Oscar. Opening lines such as the one in "Crash" hit home for a lot of us out here, and we appreciate the fact that people are taking their time to watch a film that describes how we feel and what we see.

Seraphina Lotkhamnga
English education senior


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