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SN irresponsible with housing guide how-to

If there's one thing the MSU students don't need lessons on, it's "How to party."

Over the past few years, I have watched the relationship between the East Lansing residents and MSU students and have been severely disappointed. Whether we like to admit it or not, students can be very disruptive.

If anything is going to change, we students need to start taking responsibility for our own actions and start being more considerate. I, as many others, have always viewed The State News as an extension and representation of the students at this university. I am sure I am not the only one to find it disappointing and even irresponsible for this newspaper to publish a housing guide (SN 2/07) with information on how to find the cheapest keg and how to construct a beer pong table.

Sure, it's all in fun. But I think that we have all seen that a little fun can quickly turn into a lot of tear gas. These articles are the antithesis of what we need to do if we want to improve relations with the city and the reputation of the university.

Tasha Dalstra
anthropology and Spanish senior


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