As a resident of the Cedar Village area, I had a firsthand look into the progression of the events on Saturday night.
At the conclusion of the game, I joined in the classy celebration taking place in the street. The consequent overreaction by the East Lansing Police Department appalls me. What was a nonviolent, albeit rowdy and massive, celebration was quickly turned into quite the opposite upon being teargassed. The university asked us to celebrate, but to keep it classy. We did that from the start.
It got ugly after the proactive retaliation from the ELPD, which I'm quite sure will be turned around to make it look as though they were in the right. But the truth is, the ELPD grossly overreacted and incited the subsequent violence themselves. They also lost my respect in the process.
Next time, be honest and tell us that you don't want us to celebrate at all, peacefully or otherwise, because that is clearly what you're trying to force us to do.
Lauryn Starrett
merchandising management junior