I would like to know how many of the pro-tear-gas students and graduates actually saw what happened after the game on Saturday. Before Saturday night, I would have also thought passionate crowds of students normally get what they deserve.
However, what I saw and experienced on April 2 has completely changed my views. I witnessed tear gas being shot randomly into the air and into both large and small crowds of students who were definitely not rioting. In all probability, the presence of riot police, helicopters, and tear gas caused much more disruption than would have existed under normal circumstances.
People were not coming out to riot. They were coming out for two other reasons. Students primarily came out Saturday night to peacefully celebrate a successful basketball season. Secondly, students came out to see what was going on with the circling helicopters with spotlights and riot cops dressed like Darth Vader.
I am sure there were some kids out there looking to cause trouble. From what I saw, the police did not even attempt to separate the perpetrators from the innocent, and tear gas certainly doesn't know which eyes and lungs belong to the rioters and which do not.
Unless you saw and experienced the events on the night of April 2, proponents of tear gas are in no position to be praising the behavior of the riot police.
Matt Sundholm
economics junior