This is in response to Brandon Scott's letter "Parents burden to care for kids, not 'U'" (SN 4/23).
It certainly is true that student-parents have a serious burden they have to deal with on their own. But if a college student has an unexpected pregnancy, it is not somehow against what is "conducive to attending a university" to have the child. Girls who do know full well that they are going to make sacrifices and give up much of their time to do so, but do so anyway because they care about their unborn child. It takes a great deal of maturity and love to give that child a chance to come into the world - and isn't learning maturity part of what college is about?
Furthermore, Scott claims that the original letter was an attempt to "ask this university" to "subsidize the life choices of certain student-parents." Actually, the letter is not calling for any kind of payment or "subsidy" for student-parents; it simply attempts to raise the point that student-parents work hard to do both jobs and recognition of what they do would be appreciated. Some changes in university policy, such as "child-friendly" areas in the library, are suggested, but much of the letter simply points out the burden of these students and asks the reader to support and encourage them.
I, for one, wholeheartedly feel that they deserve encouragement. Education and parenting are by no means mutually exclusive, and it is admirable for anyone with an unplanned pregnancy to attempt to do both for the sake of one's child. Parents who do deserve plenty of encouragement, not criticism.
Mark Myers
political theory and constitutional democracy freshman