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Q & A with President McPherson

April 30, 2004

MSU President M. Peter McPherson sat down with several State News staff members, who asked him questions about recent university events.

SN: Why the move to Grand Rapids?

MPM: We have a very good medical school, but I think it's also true that with support, resources and help, we could have, academically, an extremely strong medical school. Not taking anything away from the very good school we've got is that we could go the next level in terms of the education we provide to our medical students. We're always striving to be academically stronger.

I would envision a school there with the patient base as part of a great medical center that's evolving. I would envision a much, much larger research program.

If we can have an even stronger medical school out of a great medical center in Grand Rapids, I honestly think that we're going to have stronger medical care in several cities in the state.

We're a land-grant university, we're a statewide university; we really do need to have this statewide vision.

SN: With the move of the medical school and also with the liberal arts reorganization, there was some concern on campus that the faculty didn't have a voice, that they weren't consulted and that they didn't have enough input. Is there anything the administration could have done differently to make those people feel like they had a say?

MPM: There's a couple of things here.

We've gone through a couple years of very difficult budget cuts.

It's partly that. I also believe strongly that in tough budget times, even though they're uncomfortable times, you can't stop. You have to keep going. There's always more advice that one could get, you could always do something maybe a little different here and there.

SN: Do you feel that the faculty, and the students even, were consulted enough?

MPM: What was key here is that the Bowersox Report came out a few weeks ago, providing several weeks of discussion.

I can see why people want to speak to this, but this is why we've got public participation at the board meeting.

There's been sincere interest in listening to what people thought about this.

SN: I've been at meetings and I've seen Provost Lou Anna Simon visibly upset, in public or not in public. What do you think this says for the period the university is in right now and her ability to lead?

MPM: Oh, she's a good provost. She does a good job. She's a very bright, capable person. Simon is competent, smart, extremely knowledgeable, and we've gotten a lot of things done in the last 10 years.

SN: Your involvement with Iraq has raised some questions with how long you're going to stay with the university.

MPM: Well, I've got some things to get done. I've got lots of energy, as you can tell.


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