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MIDDAY UPDATE: Analysis shows high marks in one-third of 'U' classes

April 29, 2004

With finals week quickly approaching, many students on campus are growing apprehensive about their grades.

However, if last fall's grades are any indication, students might not have to stress out.

A State News computer analysis of fall 2003 grade data, in classes that at least 20 students took, showed that in 33 percent of courses, the average grade was a 3.5 or higher.

In fact, in 31 courses, every grade was a 4.0.

But that record is not much consolation for students grappling with some of the university's toughest classes.

Electrical engineering sophomore Jennifer Kelly takes Assistant Professor Casim Abbas' Math 133 class. Last fall, Abbas' average grade was a 2.16.

"It is intimidating," Kelly said. "This is one of the more challenging classes I've taken."

For more on this story, please see Thursday's edition of The State News.


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