Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Sparty is the first Big Ten mascot ever to win mascot competition

January 21, 2004
Sparty pumps up the crowd before the commencement of the Alama Bowl held in San Antonio on Dec. 29.

Before, he was named the "Buffest." Now, he is the best mascot in the country - officially.

This past weekend, the beloved MSU mascot, Sparty, took first place at the 2004 Universal Cheer Association/Universal Dance Association College Nationals in Orlando, Fla.

"For us, it is like winning the Final Four or the Rose Bowl. It doesn't get any bigger," said Bev VandenBerg, adviser of the Student Alumni Foundation and Sparty Mascot Program.

While Sparty has been competing for this title for a long time, the best rank he had received previously was third place.

Dressed in '80s attire, Sparty performed a 90-second routine entitled "Sparty Loves the '80s." Tunes of M.C. Hammer, Michael Jackson and New Kids on the Block accompanied Sparty in his high-energy routine. The skit is judged on creativity, crowd involvement and use of props. Each mascot is allowed 10 props, and some of Sparty's included a stereo and a Rubik's Cube.

In November, a video was sent to the UCA displaying Sparty's interaction in the greater MSU community. The two-minute video was judged, scored and was carried into the actual skit competition last weekend.

Sparty went into the Orlando competition in first place and hoped to win it all this year. Cheering him on in the audience was the MSU Dance Team, which placed 8th in its national competition.

Sparty can be seen frequenting events ranging from the athletic to the communal.

Assistant women's basketball coach Janel Grimm Burgess loves to see the crowd involvement with Sparty at the games.

"Kids get really fired up," Grimm Burgess said. "He's got that green and white blood flowing through him."

Child development junior Jenny Harsant also enjoys watching Sparty at the sporting events. She says she especially loves when Sparty fights the other school mascots and always wins.

Economics senior Gennette Falzon says she loves seeing Sparty around campus as well as at the different sporting events.

"He's personable, always comes up and gives us hugs," Falzon said. "He is everywhere all the time. I didn't see a wolverine at the game last weekend."

According to VandenBerg, Sparty represents the university very well. Grimm Burgess agrees.

"He represents what we are all about," Grim Burgess said. "Sparty is leading the way; now the rest of us have to follow in our own championships."


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