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'U' proves rival wrong with class

November 6, 2003

This is in response to the comments published in the paper "Coach has football team on right track", as well as "Smith should have more composure". First of all, it is comments such as the University of Michigan graduate's that fuel our burning hatred for our neighboring rivals.

Call me crazy, but I believe the recent rivalry has seen the home team win 10 of the last 12 matchups, making it a very competitive series.

It is the whining and complaining of Lloyd Carr and the Wolverines about every single call, their schedule being unfair since we had a bye week and the Spartan Bob clock incident from two years ago that ignites our contempt for the maize-and-blue.

And then even in victory, the Wolverines continue to show a lack of class.

I, for one, was sickened by Chris Perry's display in front of the student section after the Hail Mary fell so close but into the wrong hands.

I think his arrogant display should be what we drape on the outside of Spartan Stadium, as well as the comments such as were published Monday, so that we all remember just how classless and arrogant U-M really is.

I was proud of my Spartans on the field and off (with the exception of a few fights) and still am excited for the final three games.

Let's move forward looking to the next game, but never forget this hurt and illness we all feel from the sights and words we've seen and heard from Ann Arbor. Go State!

Timothy Brumbaugh
2002 graduate


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