Friday, June 21, 2024

Richard files papers

February 19, 2003

Freshman tailback David Richard told The State News on Tuesday he has finalized his financial aid papers for Missouri.

His papers were sent to the Tigers on Monday and he will start school there this summer. The Spartans' leading rusher last season will finish the semester at MSU because, according to NCAA eligibility rules, he would have to stay out of football for two years if he transferred now.

Instead, Richard - a Missouri native - will only have to sit on the sidelines for one season.

"It's going to hurt me, but I had to do this," Richard said. "I have to get closer to home. If it wasn't for a certain reason, I'd love to have finished my college days here."

Richard declined to comment on what the reason was, but he did say he is excited by Missouri's head football coach Gary Pinkel. The two met at a Tigers' men's basketball game Saturday.

Pinkel said he's excited about Richard joining his team, who ran for 654 yards and five touchdowns last season.

"We're very pleased to have someone of David's caliber join our program," Pinkel said at a Monday news conference. "He is a fine football player and a solid young man who is looking forward to playing in front of his family and friends."

Get your tickets

Most football season-ticket-holders will see an increase in prices next year, but the cost per game for student season ticket holders will remain the same.

The MSU Athletics Department said all season-ticket-holders, except students, will see a jump of $3-$4 per game. The general public can purchase season tickets for $266, faculty and staff for $217 and student season tickets for $115.50.

Some highlighted games next season include Louisiana Tech on Sept. 13, Iowa on Sept. 27 and Michigan on Nov. 1.

Current season-ticket-holders can submit requests for 2003 season packages starting Friday at


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