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Rogers to search for facts in Middle East

August 28, 2002

For the third time in the past year, U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers, is leaving American soil for a fact-finding mission in the Middle East.

On Tuesday, Rogers, R-Brighton, departed from Detroit for a journey to France, Israel and Saudi Arabia where he plans to meet with foreign leaders to discuss the war on terrorism and a forthcoming battle with Iraq.

“I’m fast coming to the conclusion that (Saddam Hussein is) asking to be in the position of developing a system to launch weapons of mass destruction and it may not be if- but when,” said Rogers, a former FBI agent, who returns Sept. 3.

Rogers will be accompanied by five U.S. Representatives on the weeklong trip, partially funded by the U.S. State Department.

Rogers plans to meet with intelligence community leaders in Israel and Saudi Arabia.

“I want to make sure I have the best information and best and latest intelligence and know the latest diplomatic efforts,” Rogers said. “The best way to do that is on the ground and talk to people.”

Decisions on such pressing issues of foreign politics are “hard to make from 5,000 miles (away),” he said.

Rogers, who is campaigning for re-election against Frank McAlpine, a Democrat, has planned meetings with such leaders as Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal.

Although only time will judge the trip’s success, James Madison College Professor Michael Rubner said Rogers’ travel is a good start.

Many congressmen have never been out of the United States, Rubner said. “I’m a strong believer that one can get better educated and get more information from on an outside visit,” he said.

Rubner said that with a potential conflict in Iraq looming, it’s good the congressman is going overseas to gain perspective on the issues because Congress is responsible for declaring war.

“I would hope also that they would go beyond that and talk to common citizens and private individuals rather than only government officials,” he said. “This way you get a much broader understanding of what public opinion may be in a any specific issue.

“It makes sense for the president to get Congress to go up and take off, so if there’s a crash landing he’s not by himself. It makes all the sense in the world to not fly solo.”


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