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Photographer wins state award

Photographer Jan-Michael Stump was named the 2001 College Photographer of the Year by the Michigan Press Photographers Association. He will receive the Kristoffer Marc Gillette memorial scholarship. former State News photographer Sonya Bordeau won second place.

Photographers from The State News have won the award for the past five years.

Stump, who has been a photographer at The State News since 1999, said he submitted 10 photos to the judges. His portfolio, made of his work from The State News and the Midland Daily News, won over 10 other college photographers’ works.

“You never really know what to expect,” he said. “I had an idea of what it took to win. We spent countless hours editing to make our pictures looks as good as possible. I was confident, but you never know. I couldn’t have done it without help from the rest of the staff.”

Right, one of Stump’s winning photos shows a fireworks employee lighting flares to begin a show.


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