Sunday, June 2, 2024

Internships could be scarce

January 15, 2002

After experiencing one internship at Ford Motor Co., a second internship may be far from guaranteed for Bryce Roebke.

“It’ll probably be much tougher to get one,” the mechanical engineering freshman said. “It’ll be that much tougher to have that edge over everyone else.”

The concern arises from the announcement late last week that Ford would be cutting 35,000 jobs or 10 percent of its workforce.

And for students such as Roebke, the assumption is that new hiring will be affected as well.

“I’m definitely worried,” he said. “If they get to the point of a hiring freeze, it’s going to be tougher.”

Despite the worries of many students, opportunities will still be available for those interested, said Anne Marie Gattari, corporate news manager.

The only difference for this summer’s batch of interns could be the number.

“We are recruiting for interns to participate this summer,” she said. “The thing about these programs is we adjust them according to our business needs.”

The company cannot predict the discrepancy in the number of interns between this summer and past summers but applicants can expect increased competition for the positions.

But, the precarious situation of the company could give some students the opportunity to cement a more permanent position within it, Gattari said.

“We obviously are facing some challenges and we’re looking for the best talent to help us resolve those challenges,” she said. “Those that do should see a bright future here


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