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ASMSU seeks greater involvement in elections

January 15, 2002

With ASMSU elections about a month away, members of the elections steering committee are hoping to increase student participation.

Steve Lovelace, Academic Assembly internal vice chairperson, said students should get involved with the elections to have an active voice in the undergraduate student government.

“Joining ASMSU is a good way to learn outside of the classroom,” Lovelace said. “If you’re a true Spartan and you love this university, it’s a great way to change it.”

Matt Weingarden, Student Assembly vice chairperson of internal affairs, said the committee’s goal is to recruit at least three people to run for each college representative seat for the mid-March elections.

The undergraduate student government committee is working to fill a about 50 seats on Student Assembly and 26 seats on Academic Assembly.

Last year, 32 people ran for 63 available spots. About 9,000 candidate petitions were handed out in residence halls, but few were returned.

“The more people that run, the more the word and awareness will be spread,” Weingarden said.

Weingarden said students who are interested in making a difference in their college and the university should look for applications and signs at various campus locations. Applications also are available in 328 Student Services.

Before an application is submitted, 15 signatures are required from members of the college a candidate wants to represent.

Recruiting events will be scheduled closer to the elections, and are still being planned. Events similar to those held last year will take place, such as the Main Library’s Cyber Cafe providing free coffee for those who came to seek information about the elections.

“The contributions you can make through student government are so exciting and amazing,” Weingarden said. “There’s also a personal gain by working at ASMSU.”

Jeanette Lantzy, vice chairperson for external affairs, said students who choose to run in the elections should come with an open mind.

“So many people are quick to judge, but if they took the time to understand ASMSU, they might see things differently,” Lantzy said.


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