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Substitutes have strong showing in final games

November 27, 2001

After scoring the gamewinning goal Friday against Butler in the NCAA Men’s Soccer Tournament, sophomore forward Thomas Trivelloni knew what to do - tear his shirt off.

When sophomore forward Craig Hearn scored a goal earlier in the game that tied the game and set up Trivelloni’s goal, his reaction was a little different.

“It was actually my first goal of the season,” Hearn said. “So I was really glad to get that one out of the way. The guys were making fun of me because I don’t know how to make a goal dance afterward, I guess.”

Hearn and Trivelloni didn’t start any games this season but as substitutions were able to make a huge impact this weekend in Bloomington, Ind.

The pair came onto the field for the first time in the tournament with the team down 1-0 against Butler in the first round of the tournament.

Many of the players were built up because of the tournament, but Trivelloni immediately made it known he was looking to score, rushing the net and hustling after every loose ball.

“I just think we had a little extra excitement because of the NCAA Tournament,” head coach Joe Baum said. “You figure Trivelloni and Craig are only playing maybe 30 or 40 minutes a game so you put that excitement in 30 or 40 minutes and they just did a whale of a job.”

Starting forwards freshman Ryan McMahen and junior Brett Konley, who combined for 13 goals in the season, played their part as well.

Sophomore midfielder John Minagawa-Webster said with an abundance of scorers, the starting forwards can take on a role similar to a setup relief pitcher in some games.

“It’s great to have a rotation of four forwards,” Minagawa-Webster said. “The first two


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