On Nov. 13, ASMSUs Academic Assembly held a forum on how to improve the student bodys ties with the MSU Board of Trustees. We invited each of the trustees. Each politely declined. This was not a big problem since the student liaisons meet with the trustees on a regular basis. The meeting was productive even without them.
But a problem arose when The State News reported the trustees had eschewed and ignored our invitations to the forum. This is wrong. A State News editorial (No shows, SN 11/15) and cartoonists picked up on this and lambasted the trustees. A Lansing State Journal editorial also rebuked the trustees based on faulty information, further damaging our rapport. Thus, faulty journalism has created a schism in a once healthy alliance. This will make it harder for the student body of MSU to make its voices heard.
As a representative of the ASMSU, I implore The State News to better research its news and opinion articles. I hope this will prevent further damage to the power and the voice of the students.
Steve Lovelace
internal vice chairperson, ASMSU Academic Assembly