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Patriotic greeting captures contest

November 30, 2001
Studio art senior Jennifer Brigham won the Kellogg Center’s ninth annual MSU Holiday Card Design Contest. Brigham developed a greeting card that focuses on the nation celebrating the holiday season together.

Months after the terrorist attacks on the United States, Jennifer Brigham developed a greeting card that focuses on the nation celebrating the holiday season in unity.

Brigham, a studio art senior, created the winning design for the Kellogg Center’s ninth annual Holiday Card Design Contest. The card consists of a blue background with white stars at the top of various sized red triangles representing trees.

Joel Heberlein, general manager of the Kellogg Center, said selecting the winning design was easy, because liked the color scheme of Brigham’s card.

“I didn’t even notice the colors were red, white and blue at first,” Heberlein said. “Truthfully, I thought it was a well-designed card. It was simplistic but creative, and I think it represents what MSU and the nation are about.”

Heberlein, who developed the contest, said 2,000 cards with Brigham’s design will be used as the Kellogg Center’s annual greeting card and mailed out to clients and customers.

“I think it’s a great marketing tool for my career,” Brigham said. “It’s a wonderful opportunity for me and a chance to add to my portfolio.”

The contest is a collaboration of the Kellogg Center and classes in MSU’s Department of Art. More than 30 students participated in the contest.

“It was a class assignment, so I only had a few days to think about a concept,” Brigham said. “The first thing I focused on was what message I wanted to come from the card. Then I developed trees of all different sizes to relate the design to diversity.”

The words inside the card, “May diversity unite this holiday season,” convey a message that is timely and fitting, said Susan Dutcher, executive assistant of the Kellogg Center.

“I think her message is appropriate for the holiday season,” Dutcher said. “She was timely with her colors and message. She creatively presented a positive message of unity and diversity in her design.”


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