Sunday, May 12, 2024

ASMSU backs acts with ribbons for U

In an effort to spread awareness to the masses coming in for Homecoming weekend, members of ASMSU, MSU’s undergraduate student government, will pass out 60,000 purple ribbons in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

Last Thursday, Student Assembly passed a bill to allocate up to $1,000 from a Special Projects Account to support a rape awareness campaign.

ASMSU’s Student and Academic assemblies last month passed a joint resolution to work to keep the campus safe and free of rape.

Melanie Olmsted, College of Social Science representative for Student Assembly, created the bill and thought this would be a good way to show support.

“The ASMSU community took a stand against rape and violence and this is an opportunity to put their words into action,” Olmsted said.

Olmsted said the cost wouldn’t reach $1,000 and that her idea is separate from the other events occurring to support domestic violence awareness.

She said Homecoming weekend is the perfect opportunity for ASMSU to show it’s serious about the bill it passed.

“This is the time where you show your spirits for things,” she said. “Why not show your interest and come together as a community of students, faculty and alumni to show your support.”

Malaika Ward, James Madison College representative for Student Assembly, seconded the bill.

Ward said it’s not only a chance for the student government to share information about rape and domestic violence, but for the many programs on campus that deal with domestic abuse.

She said she never really imagined passing out that many ribbons, but it’s possible.

“I think it’s very bold, but there will be no problem passing out 60,000 ribbons,” she said.


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