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Indianapolis forward to join U in 2002

July 18, 2001

Jackie Greenwood is the principal of Arlington High in Indianapolis and it’s there that she’s seen senior-to-be Delco Rowley grow in height, but more importantly, as a man.

“I can see the changes in Delco as he has grown up,” Greenwood said Tuesday from her office. “I’ve seen the growth - I can see him being focused academically as well as athletically (at MSU).”

Rowley, a 6-foot-8, 230-pound power forward, verbally committed to play for the Spartans as part of the 2002 recruiting class - joining forces with 6-foot-10 recruit Paul Davis of Rochester, who has already committed.

Rowley had multiple schools to choose from around the Big Ten, but when it came time to make a decision, the family-like atmosphere of basketball coach Tom Izzo’s program bumped Ohio State, Iowa and Purdue out of the recruiting scene.

“I felt like when I met the players, they made me feel like I already went (to MSU),” Rowley said Tuesday.

It wasn’t only the players who treated Rowley well. Izzo’s attitude sparked thoughts in Rowley that are no longer commonplace in the world of college basketball.

“I think I could play for (Izzo) for four years,” Rowley said.

Arlington basketball coach Larry Nix said Rowley is still a very raw talent, but MSU’s getting a player with promising abilities.

“He runs the floor very well,” Nix said. “He can hit shots from 17 feet and in, he’s a pretty good passer (and) he is a very good entry passer.”

Nix said he believes Rowley has a good chance to mold himself into a Big Ten small forward, but he needs to improve his ballhandling and defense.

Rowley is excited to be a part of MSU and he said his ability to run the floor, rebounding and 15-foot jump shots are his strengths right now, but he’s determined to work on his weaknesses.

“I will work on my left hand, dribbling and three-point shooting,” Rowley said. “It’s something I want to develop to have an all-around game.”

But Rowley isn’t looking to develop solely as a basketball player. When deciding where to attend college, he used the Internet to research each school and its academic programs. At MSU, he wants to major in computer programming or business management - interests that were sparked by classes he has taken in high school.

As his principal, Greenwood has watched Rowley grow up and she looks forward to continue observing the maturation process for another four years at MSU.

“He is determined to be successful,” Greenwood said.


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