Thursday, May 2, 2024

Eating disorders can be overcome

I would like to applaud Kathryn Garvale on her column, “Pop culture trivializes dangers of eating disorder” (SN 3/12). Whether Kye Tidey’s (“Eating disorders are not diseases,” 3/14) faction of society regards anorexia and/or bulimia as a “real” disease, there is no question that battling these eating disorders is a terrible struggle many women and men in our society must face daily.

It is about time the inappropriately casual use of the term “anorexic” is confronted in the media. The severe food restriction, diet pill use and the purging that accompanies anorexia are merely symptoms. They need to be treated in order to get to the root of a deeper emotional problem that is causing these destructive behaviors.

Knowing many people and “Tidey-esque” factions of society do not understand the constant struggles with which they are dealing, many eating disorder victims are too embarrassed and afraid to come forth and get the often lifesaving help they need.

I hope more people of all ages and genders join both Garvale and Erica Lelli (“Eating disorders enforced by media,” SN 3/15) in fighting the battle against eating disorders. The Something Fishy Web site,, is an awesome place to learn about eating disorders, get help for and support others suffering from anorexia and/or bulimia. With enough support, we can win this battle.

Lauren Jahnke
Spanish and
social work sophomore


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