Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Advertisement not racially motivated

I am writing in response to Angela Pok and the case of extreme over-sensitivity she seems to display (“Self-defense ad offensive, wrong,” SN 2/14).

She declared The State News made a highly racist move in allowing Alpha Xi Delta to run an ad for a self-defense class which depicts a black man as a potential perpetrator of assault. To this I say get over it. It was a simple coincidence and not part of the ever-present evil white conspiracy to bring down the black man.

Pok states this ad serves to reinforce a stereotype that black men are more likely to commit crimes than white. All I can say to this is the reasons she gives that explain why the ad is offensive seem to scream “persecution complex.” Neither The State News nor Alpha Xi Delta are likely to have any anti-black sentiments running here, and you need to realize exactly how absurd your suspicions are.

I think you\'re being far too sensitive, and I strongly suggest you remove that rather large chip residing on your shoulder.

Roger Smith
journalism junior


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