Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Column neglected Maddens statistics

I am writing in regard to Keith Dunlap’s column “‘U’ sports give fans big relief” (SN 1/10). While I agree with his points that the major Detroit franchises are either on the decline or have been in shambles for years, I have a problem with his usage of John Madden’s name in his column.

He refers to Madden as if he would be a joke as a coach, while this is far from the truth. Madden won 112 games in 10 seasons with the Oakland Raiders. He is still among the top three coaches in winning percentage of all time and led the Raiders to a Super Bowl championship in 1977.

The Detroit Lions would be lucky to have a coach of his caliber stalking the sidelines. Maybe next time Dunlap should do a little more research before making statements like he did.

Jason Koopman

zoology senior


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