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Police briefs 10/04/00

Two women living in Spartan Village reported receiving a telephone call containing derogatory comments about people of Japanese descent at about 3 a.m. Sept. 29, said MSU police Detective Tony Willis.One of the women is of Japanese heritage and the other is Taiwanese. When one woman answered the phone an unknown male caller verbally insulted their ethnic backgrounds, Willis said.The women have lived in Spartan Village for three years and have had no previous problems, Willis said.Police have no suspects.

  • A 21-year-old female student living in Spartan Village reported $500 worth of jewelry stolen from her room between midnight and 12:30 a.m. Sept. 30, Willis said.The woman was not in her apartment during the time the jewelry - including bracelets, rings and earrings - was taken. However, her roommate and several out-of-town visitors were present, Willis said.An investigation is pending.SARA LUNEBURG
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