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County holds hearing on smoking proposal

October 3, 2000

LANSING - A standing room only crowd gathered Monday night to voice their opinions to the Ingham County Human Services Committee on a proposal that would ban smoking in all public indoor establishments.

Public officials, business owners and community members filled the room in the Human Services Building, 5303 S. Cedar St. in Lansing, and overwhelmingly expressed their disapproval for the proposal.

The committee, which took no action on the proposal Monday, will decide whether to send the proposal on to the county Board of Commissioners at a later meeting. The committee’s next meeting is Oct. 16.

Jim Harvey, the general manager of the Radisson Hotel, 111 N. Grand River Ave. in Lansing, said he faced a similar ordinance in Massachusetts which greatly hurt businesses.

“I’ve experienced this debate in the past,” he said. “This proposed smoking ban will cause confusion in the county. People will simply migrate to places where smoking is permitted.”

The policy takes away freedom of choice, said Bonnie Stacey, owner of Bonnie’s Place, 326 N. Cedar St. in Lansing.

“It’s anti-business, anti-hospitality and anti-freedom of choice,” she said. “I make a living accommodating customers. Discriminating policies


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