Monday, May 6, 2024



EDITORIAL: Laughing at student activism makes Ferguson undeserving of trustee title

MSU Board of Trustees Chairman Joel Ferguson has served on the board since 1986 and has been its chairperson since 1992 — longer than some college students have been alive.One might think that with such a history of service to the school, he would come to respect the students he represents. His comments about student activism at the Board of Trustees meeting suggest otherwise, however.


Free speech should be celebrated on campus

With warm weather comes sunshine, birds singing, longboarders, outdoor seating at The Peanut Barrel and more people visiting campus — but they’re not always here just to take a stroll along the Red Cedar River.Last week’s slew of demonstrators, protesters and Bible-slingers are evidence that as soon as the snow melts, this campus becomes a forum for discussing opinions and beliefs.With about 49,000 students, it makes sense for student groups as well as outside organizations to want to spread their ideas to students who are forming their own political and social beliefs.This is the U.S.


Racial intolerance must be addressed

At the beginning of January, MSU’s Office for Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives launched Project 60/50, a program aimed at highlighting academic programs and hosting workshops and events to promote multiculturalism across campus.


Steps toward equal pay for women encouraging

MSU has taken on strong initiatives to close the pay gap. It conducts annual salary analyses and makes sure campus departments are clear and consistent in their decision-making process. Other efforts to close the gap include clarifying the process of raising wages and negotiating for better salaries.


Marriage, parenthood fundamental right

Whether or not marriage equality has popular support does not make it any less of a right. It was not the constituents’ place to make a blanket judgment in part implying same-sex couples are inherently worse parents, and it is irresponsible for the state to defend that decision.


If Spartan Village goes, students pay the price

Spartan Village is old. We understand that, and so does Residence Education and Housing Services, or REHS, which has devised a strategic plan that puts the demolition of Spartan Village Apartments between 2017 and 2020. It’s time to tear it down, but not without first considering the massive displacement that mainly will affect international and graduate students.