Monday, May 20, 2024



Moderns give pop-culture its bad taste

Yes, the stuff that’s been flooding the movie theaters lately is terrible, and pop music today is even worse. I still can’t get over the name “I Still Know What You Did Last Summer,” and bad thoughts run through my mind when I hear the name ‘N Sync.


Critic ponders why students waste hard-earned cash on bad movies

I watch movies. Lots and lots of movies. It’s my job - as the film reporter here at The State News, I have seen nearly every movie that has made its way into theaters in the past four months, and I’ll probably see everything coming out in the next few months. But I have a problem. Most of the movies I see stink.


SIRS questions help at semesters start

Do you sometimes think you have no power whatsoever, that you are at the mercy of everyone who stands ahead of you in line, that your destiny is pretty much a done deal because you have no way to influence anything that goes on around you? Well, I think we have all had that feeling in our lives at one time or another, and sometimes we have that feeling a lot more than we should.


Panel report in, but campus needs investigation policy

OK, so now what? The panel appointed to examine the circumstances surrounding last year’s poorly executed undercover investigation of Students for Economic Justice has offered the university its coveted findings. The members - a professor, a former state legislator, a former trustee and a student government leader - say the ordeal was likely carried out inadequately. Perhaps, the panel wrote, MSU administrators need to take a more thorough approach the next time they consider stomping so freely on the liberties granted to student activists. The big finish?


Leftist campuses censor free speech

MSU’s campus should champion free speech and welcome an assortment of viewpoints. Unfortunately today, sparked by challenges against liberal thought, university administrators and a minority of their leftist students have acted maliciously to create a culture opposing the virtues of free speech. The campus left has undeniably censored ideas that its ideology opposes.


Tax cut plunders surplus

Less than a year ago, we told each other it didn’t matter if we elected George W. Bush or Al Gore and then proceeded to make sure we’d never be able to tell who actually got elected - thus saving the trouble of having either one of them as president. Unfortunately, George W’s daddy’s friends on the Supreme Court handed him his daddy’s old job, screwing people out of the “neither of two evils” situation. Seeking to legitimize himself as the rightful heir, George W.