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Bills stall in House

April 24, 2012

Controversial bills that would provide more requirements for voters and third party registrants remain stalled in a House committee after legislators heard testimony about the bills in the Redistricting and Elections Committee on Tuesday morning.

Several advocacy groups testified against the bills, including representatives from the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

The bill, which has been opposed by some Democrats, is an attempt by Republicans to beef up election security and smooth out kinks in the process.

It would require more third party voter registrants to receive training from the government, which has some student groups worried the measure would be an unnecessary barrier to register voters on campus, student volunteer for the MSU Obama re-election campaign Kelli Beavers said in a previous interview.

The Obama re-election campaign currently is holding a voter registration drive on campus through the end of this week.

City of East Lansing officials have said it could help reduce voter confusion in November’s election, while noting the bill’s details are vague.

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