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Ex-MSU doctor Larry Nassar faces six new charges of sex assault in Texas

June 29, 2018
Larry Nassar is escorted out of the courtroom during the first day of sentencing for Larry Nassar on Jan. 31, 2018, in the Eaton County courtroom. Nassar faces three counts of criminal sexual conduct in Eaton County.
Larry Nassar is escorted out of the courtroom during the first day of sentencing for Larry Nassar on Jan. 31, 2018, in the Eaton County courtroom. Nassar faces three counts of criminal sexual conduct in Eaton County.

Ex-MSU and USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar faces six new, additional charges of sexual assault at a Texas gymnastics training center, according to reports.

Nassar has been charged with six counts of second-degree sexual assault at the Karolyi Ranch, a gymnastics center in Texas.

Debbie Van Horn, a trainer at the center, was also charged with one count of sexual assault. 

Walker County prosecutor Stephanie Stroud announced the charges on Friday. At a press conference, she said no charges have been filed against the Bela and Martha Karolyi, owners of the training center. 

Nassar previously pleaded guilty in Michigan to seven counts of criminal sexual conduct and was sentenced to 40 to 175 years in Ingham County, pleaded guilty to three counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct and was sentenced to 40 to 125 years in Eaton County and was sentenced to 60 years on child pornography charges.  

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