Monday, September 30, 2024

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News | Michigan


4 injured in accident; student faces prison

An MSU student could face 20 years in prison if convicted of injuring four people in a drunken driving accident near Mount Pleasant on Sunday morning. Mechanical engineering senior Nathan Diller was driving his 1999 Chevrolet pickup on M-20 in Chippewa Township at 4 a.m.


Renter's insurance eludes most

She's heard about it, talked about it and knows she should get it, but advertising senior Pam Sorensen still isn't covered. And she's not alone. Sorensen is among more than 90 percent of students who are without renter's insurance, as estimated by MaryAnn Pierce, who supervises the Rental Housing Clinic, 541 E.


Locals 'hang out' in tree-climbing classes

By Scott Atkinson Special for The State News The age-old adventure of climbing trees has been retooled for children in the Lansing area, with the addition of helmets, ropes and harnesses. The Harris Nature Center, 3998 Van Atta Road in Okemos, hosted a workshop in "technical tree climbing" Saturday, where they instructed participants on how to safely climb - and hang out in - large trees. Vertical Ventures Rock Climbing & Wilderness Programs, 843 Lantern Hill Drive, a company that teaches technical tree climbing, led the group through the woods of Okemos to their tree of preference - a tulip poplar with thick branches, which they estimated was more than 100 years old.


Wilson Hall site of 7th reported sex offense

A sexual assault was reported in Wilson Hall on Friday, according to the MSU online police blotter. It's the seventh criminal sexual conduct reported since the beginning of September. The severity of the assault is unknown. The acquaintance assault happened Sept.


Word on the street

"It's high stakes in that if Bush wins, we'll keep fighting this war. The lives of our citizens are only at stake when people can't afford health care.


E.L. Planning Commission approves new building plan

Corey Partnership developers said they "burned the midnight oil" last week, adjusting their vision for the corner of Bailey Street and Grand River Avenue to comply with city and neighborhood requests. Their work paid off Wednesday night when the East Lansing Planning Commission, which previously voted against the development, recommended its approval, 7-2. The issue will go before city council on Oct.


Police warn 'U' about callers

Ingham County Sheriff Gene Wriggelsworth expressed concern this week with organizations calling residences and claiming to raise money for the sheriff's department. Meanwhile, on campus, an early morning whispering caller is posing as women's friends or boyfriends, making obscene comments and attempting phone sex. In a statement Wednesday, Wriggelsworth said a recent flood of misleading calls are telemarketers claiming to support law enforcement, promising better community protection or "fixing" minor violations. Similarly, the East Lansing Police Department never does fund-raising by phone, East Lansing police Capt.


Bill to regulate imported trash

A bill, sponsored by U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Brighton, that would allow Michigan to regulate the amount of trash imported from Canada, is moving through the U.S.


Gay marriage ban opposed

The Michigan Education Association announced its opposition to Michigan's gay marriage constitutional amendment on Wednesday because of negative effects it would have on the bargaining rights of public employees. The state constitutional amendment, known as Proposal 2, would define marriage as the union of one man and one woman and forbid the state to recognize other unions.


Recent rape cases at 'U' raise issue of assault reports

A series of alleged rapes on MSU's campus has brought the process of handling reported sexual assaults recent publicity. After a sexual assault is reported, a variety of counselors, detectives and prosecutors are called into action, as an original police report branches out to various departments across the university and community, officials said. An overwhelming number of sexual assaults are not reported at all, both nationally and at MSU, said Dennis Martell, Olin Health Center health educator. Many people who have been assaulted but have not made reports come to Olin Health Center's HIV Education, Testing and Counseling Program, Martell said. "They want to find out what has happened anonymously," Martell said. If Olin workers suspect a student has been sexually assaulted, they offer themselves as a gateway to other services, such as counseling, Martell said. "Often people don't seek counseling for months or even years," said Holly Rosen, director of MSU Safe Place.


Accidents result from Direct Action demonstration

An anti-war protest was the site of a minor car accident and an alleged tire slashing at the intersection of Michigan and Harrison avenues Tuesday evening. The protest and march, organized by local group Direct Action, left Fountain Square at M.A.C.


Canines, owners enjoy a little paddle at Hawk Island

Lindsey Poisson Special for The State News Lansing - Great Danes, poodles, terriers, and dogs of different breeds and sizes from the Lansing area went for a dip at the beach Friday. As part of the Friends of Greater Lansing Dog Parks' biannual "Dog Paddle," held on Hawk Island County Park's beach, dogs and owners alike waded into the water to splash and socialize. "The dogs are playing and having fun and getting their exercise," said dog owner Jennifer Kirby.


Legislators mad about flier error

A recent mix-up at the Secretary of State's office caused voter information fliers to be distributed prematurely, drawing anger and confusion from some state legislators. A line near the top of the flier read "Please be advised that you are not eligible to vote in the November 2, 2004 general election." The rest of the form had factually correct information for voters who recently moved. The form was mistakenly distributed to state branch offices in Battle Creek and Ann Arbor ahead of the Oct.


Fund-raiser benefits Great Lakes

Michigan residents hoping to protect Great Lakes waters by eliminating harmful aquatic pests can now find a solution in the form of a decal. The simple, three-inch square decal goes on sale Oct.


E.L. group discusses Cedar Village plan

The East Village Master Planning Team will update the planning commission on its progress for the revamping of the Cedar Village area during a meeting tonight at City Hall. In old business, the council will discuss a revised application from Corey Partnership to demolish the building at 601-603 E.