Monday, September 30, 2024

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News | Michigan


Simon receives key to city, builds community relations

The city of East Lansing extended a hand of friendship to MSU President Lou Anna Simon Tuesday evening during a reception held in her honor. East Lansing Mayor Mark Meadows said good communication between the city and the university is crucial to the continued success of both parties. "I have felt our relations with the university while I have been mayor have been positive," he said.


Bills aim to help investors, economy

Giving investors tax breaks up to $5,000 if they lose money on risky investments is just part of the Senate Republicans' plan to help boost Michigan's economy and science and technology jobs. Unveiled on Monday, the bills will be aimed at helping companies stay in Michigan and train people for jobs. Last week Gov.


Lawmakers propose medicine restrictions

Last week, Christina Kim headed to the aisles of CVS Pharmacy, 240 MAC Ave., when her roommate needed cold medicine. But if some legislators have their way, the advertising sophomore might have to show identification to a licensed pharmacist if she wants to buy cold remedies in the future. As part of a bipartisan push to fight small methamphetamine labs popping up around the country, legislators want over-the-counter medicines to be sold behind pharmacy counters, and not in gas stations or grocery stores. "Currently, meth manufacturers go to grocery stores and pharmacies and buy out their entire supply," said Scott Gerber, spokesman for Sen.


Aroma café drifts into E.L.

By Michael Ludwig Special for The State News Despite its colorfully painted walls and new custom-made furniture, walking through the doors of Aroma Gourmet Coffee and Tea for the first time reminded 29-year-old John Reiber of his old favorite shop, Caffe Latte. Aroma Gourmet Coffee and Tea opened for business on Jan.


Fair provides advice, food

In an effort to help homeless people get back on their feet, the MSU School of Social Work and Volunteers of America Michigan hosted a resource fair where local agencies provided information about jobs and housing, and services such as free HIV testing. More than 100 people passed through the Volunteers of America Michigan's New Hope Day Center, 430 N.


New rental design unveiled

The Taco Bell on Grand River Avenue might be getting a new neighbor - an updated building design for the Bailey Street site was discussed Wednesday at East Lansing's planning commission meeting. "We have unit designs that are not found in this rental area," said David Krause, one of the plan's developers. Corey Partnership, the project's developer, had similar plans for the same area turned down by the East Lansing City Council last November.