Sunday, September 29, 2024

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News | Michigan


State delays ACLU hearing

The hearing scheduled for last week to determine whether public employers can offer benefits to domestic partners has been postponed until August, and some university employees are worried about losing their benefits. A Michigan Constitutional amendment was ratified in 2004, which defined marriage as being between a man and a woman. The American Civil Liberties Union, or ACLU, is representing 21 same-sex couples who filed the lawsuit in March after Attorney General Mike Cox interpreted the amendment as barring the city of Kalamazoo from providing domestic-partnership benefits in future contracts. The court hearing was postponed in order for Gov.


E.L. to revise law limiting lawn signs

A city ordinance that limits the number of signs East Lansing residents can have on their front lawns is being amended, but it has some residents and city leaders at odds over freedom of expression. Two East Lansing residents expressed their concerns for the city's "environmental quality" at the City Council meeting last Tuesday. These residents are concerned certain modifications to the policy will cause more people to overrun their lawns with political signs. The most significant concern addressed was the "visual clutter," said East Lansing's Deputy City Manager Jean Golden.


Research: Flip-flops could be harmful

With scorching summer temperatures, some students across campus shuffle to class or work in the lightest clothes possible, including their footwear - flip-flop sandals. "(Flip-flops) are better because you can flip them off your feet easily," said Lansing resident, Ryan Howard.


Alcohol inhalant could be banned

Two bills recently introduced to the state House of Representatives would ban the use of alcohol without liquid, commonly called AWOL, in Michigan. AWOL is an inhalant that is a combination of alcohol mist and pure oxygen and can create a euphoric sensation.


Storm slows local stores

A late-night Saturday thunderstorm that continued through daybreak Sunday left the city and some area businesses scrambling to function. The storm caused a power outage and knocked some trees down, said Sgt.


Radio, TV shows downloadable with podcasts

Owners of iPods and other personal MP3 players now have more listening options than just the music they download or rip from their CD collections. "People have called podcasting the TiVo for radio," said Gary Reid, a university distinguished senior specialist in the Department of Telecommunication, Information Studies and Media and general manager of MSU's student radio station Impact (88.9-FM). Podcasting allows nearly anyone to broadcast an audio file over the Internet.


Marshall man gets 8-20 years

A 19-year-old Marshall, Mich., man was sentenced on Wednesday in the Ingham County Circuit Court to serve eight to 20 years in prison for the murder of an Okemos man. Alexander Hamil, who came to East Lansing to celebrate St.


Rally addresses health-care cuts

When Ed Carlson goes to a baseball game or visits his girlfriend, it's a large, complicated production. Due to his cerebral palsy and quadriplegia, the 40-year-old said in-home health care has to get him ready to go out, and a special mode of transportation needs to be coordinated.


State continues talks on budget, economy

Lansing - Republican lawmakers and the Granholm administration will continue meeting this week to compromise on tax reform, the state budget and college scholarships. Members of the administration have been meeting regularly with Republican legislative leaders. House GOP leaders decided last week to put off a vote on their economic stimulus package after agreeing to requests from Democratic Gov.


Council meeting to convene after break

The East Lansing City Council will meet at 7:30 p.m. after a two-week break. The meeting will be held at the 54-B District Court, 101 Linden St. The council plans to approve street closures and have a public hearing on an ordinance for the display of political signs.


Student group to defend ballot initiative with counterprotest

In an effort to defend affirmative action, members of a national activist group will head down to the Capitol today to rally for the second time this summer, but one campus group will attempt to counteract their protests. The MSU College Republicans are getting involved to oppose the protest headed by the Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration & Immigrant Rights and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary, or BAMN. The Michigan Board of Canvassers are holding a meeting today to decide if the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative, or MCRI, proposal will be on the 2006 ballot. MCRI is a proposal to amend the Michigan Constitution by adding a new section that would prohibit state and local governments from discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to any individual or group based on race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin.


Study: Accidents 4 times more likely with cell phone use

Driving while chatting on the phone can increase the likelihood of a crash resulting in injury by about four times, according to a recent study. The study from the University of Sydney, Australia, which was published July 12 in the British Medical Journal, or BMJ, also said that hands-free phones are not any safer, said Suzanne McEvoy, who helped conduct the study. Researchers interviewed 456 drivers who were in the hospital for crashes and owned a cell phone.


Officials warn against illegal use of wireless

Today's technology lets people use wireless connections to access the Internet, and the illegal use of wireless networks is an issue with some officials. Some use their neighbor's wireless Internet networks without giving it much thought, said Rich Wiggins, MSU's Academic Network & Computer Services senior information technologist.


Supreme Court seat might sway abortion laws

The issue of abortion could be affected by whom President Bush nominates for the U.S. Supreme Court seat vacated by Sandra Day O'Connor's retirement. O'Connor, the first woman to serve as a justice on the Supreme Court, announced her resignation July 1.


Harry Potter release inspires celebration

When 7-year-old Will Miklavcic dons a black cape and pair of glasses repaired with tape, he said he resembles Harry Potter, even though he's blond. "I like Harry Potter; I've read all the books," the Haslett resident said.


Police use fliers to aid search for missing boy

The search for a missing Williamston boy advanced today when officials from the U.S. Post Office agreed to distribute 65,000 fliers containing his picture and description. As part of the Deliver Me Home Network, the fliers aim to make residents aware of disappearances.


Scholars assess Scientology

The religion Scientology has been around for more than 50 years, yet recently it has become the center of media and public attention. Some relate the rise in popularity to actor Tom Cruise for being outspoken in the media about his views of Scientology and psychiatry. But Mary Anne Ahmad, director of public affairs of Midwest Churches of Scientology said this is not a new religion. "It's always been here," she said.


Graffiti artist paints Flats Grille

Artist Joseph Houghton paints graffiti that people will pay to have on their walls. In an effort to beautify a vacant wall, Flats Grille owner Paul O'Connor commissioned Houghton to paint a large mural on the side of his restaurant at 551 E.