Saturday, September 21, 2024

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News | Michigan


Rally held at the Rock to protest President Trump's travel ban

Despite the freezing temperature and snow, hundreds of people gathered Tuesday night at the the Rock on Farm Lane for the No Ban, No Wall: Spartans for Sanctuary and Solidarity Rally after President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Jan. 27 barring citizens of seven countries from traveling to the United States.


Park District demolition deadline extended, Convexity to redesign plans

The East Lansing City Council voted to once again extend the deadline to demolish the blighted Park District buildings, this time until the end of April. However, this extension came in light of a new revelation: DRW Holdings and developer Convexity Properties will be completely redesigning the Park District project, attorney David Pierson told council during the meeting.


CATA Rapid Transit route still in assessment phase

Originally scheduled to begin construction in 2016, the proposed CATA Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system is currently in the “environmental assessment” phase for Federal Transportation Authority, or FTA, funding. CATA’s website likens the BRT program to a light rail system that uses high-capacity buses instead of trains.


Spartan Corner moves to second floor of Student Book Store, now called The Greek Loft

Spartan Corner moved from the corner of Grand River Avenue and Abbott Rd. into Student Book Store’s second floor after Christmas, Student Book Store owner Brad Ballein said. The second floor of Student Book Store is now called The Greek Loft and offers all of the services Spartan Corner offered, Claire Nicholas, MSU communication senior and employee at The Greek Loft, said.


Valley Court Park ice rink returns for second year

Valley Court Park ice rink will make its return to the East Lansing community this month after debuting in February 2016. Last year's iteration served as more or less a test to see how the community responded, and after a few delays and setbacks, it ended up running for two weeks.


Setbacks have long marred the development at Park District

The long and fruitless saga of the blighted Park District buildings collected another chapter as the current project ran into yet another setback this month. Changes to the now-passed brownfield reimbursement plan led David Pierson, attorney for project developer Convexity, to call the project unworkable.