Saturday, September 21, 2024

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News | Michigan


Ruth Beier: A life of no regrets and aiding her city

A native of Maryland, Beier studied economics at MSU as an undergrad, faced with a choice as a high school Junior when her parents decided to move to India. “I had to choose between going to India and going right to college, and one of the only colleges that I could get into without actually graduating was Michigan State,” Beier said. Despite this, Beier said she has an affinity for MSU, and after earning her Masters at Duke University she moved back to East Lansing in 1990, later settling here with her partner and their shared family of four children.


East Lansing facing serious financial issues

East Lansing has budgeted a -5.9 percent revenue growth for 2017 compared to a -2.6 percent expenditure growth, resulting in a $1,273,145 deficit that would be taken out of the general fund, according to the city’s Long-Term Financial Forecast. 


Students start "No Ban No Wall" T-shirt fundraiser

Political science senior Maisie Rodriguez, an MSU Intercultural Aide and student activist who is Mexican-American, said that President Trump’s reference to Mexican immigrants as “rapists” in his very first campaign speech was enough to permanently color her opinion of the businessman-turned-politician. “When Donald Trump, back in 2015, he started to call Mexican men rapists...that’s when I knew, like, okay, this guy’s a racist...So when he is calling my father a rapist, I knew exactly what he is saying when he is calling Muslims potential terrorists.


New law protects landlords' rights to prohibit medical marijuana

On Jan. 10, Gov. Rick Snyder signed into law Senate Bill 72, or SB 72, protecting the rights of apartment managements and landlords to prohibit medical marijuana patients from growing cannabis plants within their rented space, potentially affecting future leasing agreements between students and leasing companies near campus.