Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Is TikTok a security threat? MSU media experts weigh in

According to Shillar, recent attacks on TikTok are largely due to the freedom of expression it provides, which can be a threat to certain political groups. Young people often use the app to express their feelings and sometimes organize political movements. “This is not really a security issue, it’s a free speech issue.”


MSU Dairy Farms offers days for students to de-stress by petting cows

The MSU Dairy Teaching and Resource Center is welcoming the public to spend some quality time with their cows and cattle. “Somebody would stand there and just brush a cow for an hour and they just said that felt to them like it was so peaceful. It was just a nice connection,” Good said. “Anything we can do to help students kind of de-stress and have a little bit more peaceful life on campus, that's what we're here for.”