Monday, May 13, 2024



Broad Art Museum reading program aims to make children "bookworms"

A "bookworm” is used to describe someone who's obsessed with reading — which makes it a fitting word to describe an event focused on getting children to become fond of literature. The Broad Art Museum, with the help of the East Lansing Public Library, hosts a monthly 'Bookworms at the Broad' program aimed at improving virtual literacy in little kids. 


OISS implements first Thanksgiving dinner program

International students have different options to explore if they want to celebrate Thanksgiving. For instance, students could stay on campus and eat at one of MSU’s dining halls — or they could visit an American home to fully experience Thanksgiving dinner traditions, thanks to a new program.


St. Luke Lutheran Church begins ninth coat bank service

As Michigan draws closer to the winter season, people have started to wear coats more often.  Because of St. Luke Lutheran Church-Christ Campus, individuals who are in need of coats can stay warm this winter. The church started a coat bank nine years ago to serve families in the Lansing area.