Friday, June 28, 2024



Read Across America program comes to MSU

The Broad Art Museum’s Read Across America program, taking place throughout the month of March, is providing members of the East Lansing community with the resources they need to embrace reading.


MSU student using activism to fight for Syria

The family of physiology junior Tasneem Sannah came from Syria to the United States in 1980. Although Sannah has only visited Syria once in middle school she has many relatives in the country and activism purposed to help Syrians has become a large part of her life at MSU.


Spartan dog gets 'doggy braces'

Six-month-old Golden retriever named Wesley has a new smile thanks to a new set of braces. Dog owner Molly Moore noticed Wesley was not eating his food and quickly had her father the "Doggy Dentist," Dr. James Moore look into the issue.


Expert: Zika virus spreading in Michigan not a huge concern

Last week health experts confirmed the first case of the zika virus has made it's way to Michigan in a 61year-old Ingham County. Fox 2 Detroit has reported more Michigan travelers are showing zika symptoms, but according to one health expert, Michiganders have nothing to worry about as far as the Zika virus goes.