Sunday, September 29, 2024

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Sexual abuse in schools must be eliminated

From one teacher trying to fondle a fifth-grader’s breast to another filming his molestation of a boy, children are increasingly becoming victims of sexual abuse in schools. While one in 10 victimized children report some kind of abuse to someone who can do something about it, often teachers, administrators and some parents frequently don’t do anything to acknowledge the crime.


Great Lakes a national treasure, let them be

Whether it was a simple misunderstanding, a slip of the tongue or a calculated statement of resource scheming, Democratic presidential hopeful and New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson made a serious mistake when he suggested the Great Lakes could help solve his thirsty state’s water crisis.


Tougher DUI punishments necessary, proactive

Members of the Michigan House of Representatives made the right decision when they voted in favor of three bills cracking down on drunken driving. The bills, which passed with heavy bipartisan support, aim at punishing repeat offenders and heavily intoxicated motorists.


Council should not silence student voices

Faculty deserve to have a voice in academic governance at MSU, but not if that voice comes at the cost of student representation. Students are the reason this university exists, and their needs and concerns should be central to every issue MSU faces.


Applaud MSU officials for dorm food options

Some vegetarians on campus feel MSU cafeterias don’t offer enough variety to suit their tastes, even as Housing and Food Services continues to expand vegetarian options. Are these concerns valid, or are people just complaining too much?


Lawmakers should cut some personal benefits

Michigan’s teachers don’t make large salaries, but they enjoy good benefit packages. Or they did, until the state Legislature decided to reduce those benefits. Of course, state lawmakers didn’t touch their own salaries and benefit packages.


Remove drug question from financial aid form

Last year 830,000 people were arrested in the U.S. for marijuana-related incidents, the highest number in the country’s history. Of those arrested, 90 percent were for possession. Most of the people arrested in East Lansing are between the ages of 17 and 25.


In state opportunities available for grads

For many students looking to stay in Michigan after graduation, it won’t be easy — the state is losing jobs and money and companies are fleeing. Michigan needs to retain graduates to inundate the state with young, skilled workers, but if the jobs aren’t available, the possibility of that remains unlikely.


E-mailing crime reports heightens awareness

After school officials at Eastern Michigan University allegedly attempted to cover up the on-campus rape and murder of a 22-year-old student, the university has started sending out campus crime reports which details the time, location and type of campus police calls.


Know your rights when consuming alcohol

Police officers can no longer force people to submit to Breathalyzer tests without a search warrant. The decision came after a recent district court ruling, making Michigan one of the last states to change its laws regarding Breathalyzer tests.


Collegian editorial irresponsible, pointless

There are a million different ways to illustrate freedom of speech rights without using profanity and blind, unsubstantiated statements. Apparently, the editorial board at Colorado State University’s newspaper doesn’t feel the same way.


Cooperation needed to save auto industry

Thank goodness it’s over. General Motors Corp. is back in business after the employee strike ended early Wednesday. The automotive company saw about 73,000 employees walk out of automotive plants Monday in the first nationwide United Auto Workers strike against GM since 1970.


Keep grads in state: Rejuvenate the economy

Michigan lost 16,000 workers in August alone. While the unemployment rate in the rest of the nation decreased in August, Michigan’s jobless rate increased from 7 to 7.4 percent. Whether by preference or force, students are racing across state borders as soon as they get a diploma in their hands, and the decaying automobile industry – once the bread-and-butter of the state’s economy – continues to haunt us.


Business school rank important to employers

MSU’s MBA program dropped in ranking for regional schools, from fifth last year to 18th this year, in the Wall Street Journal/Harris Interactive Business School Survey. But does the drop mean anything significant for the Eli Broad College of Business?