Saturday, September 28, 2024

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Online budget would make MSU more reliable

Spring semester tuition: about $6,000-$9,000. Knowing exactly how the university is using those precious dollars: priceless. MSU’s Students for Prosperity, a newly created student group, is campaigning for the university’s budget information to be available online for anyone — from taxpayers to students — to see what the public university is doing with its millions.


NATO needs solid policies to survive, succeed

For many, the end of the Cold War marked the end of NATO. As an organization that was built and structured during a time when the U.S. and other nations were fighting communism, its mere existence now seems old fashioned and unnecessary. The alliance’s role is in the headlines again, with its involvement in Afghanistan vehemently supported by Defense Secretary Robert Gates.


Budgets address different needs, policies

Seems like just yesterday the Michigan Legislature finally settled a balanced budget for this fiscal year. But ‘tis the season for more government budgets, and both the federal and state budgets were introduced just last week.


Detroit's Mayor's mishaps not fair to city, state

When Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick took office in 2002, his appeal to voters was obvious. As the city’s youngest elected mayor, voters put him in office with the expectation that he would improve Detroit. After six years, that has yet to happen.


Additional tuition dollars belong to students

If MSU decided not to refund its students an unnecessary extra per-credit fee, there would be hell to pay. Wayne State University students were required to pay a $13-per-hour credit fee to compensate for possible financial shortcomings for the fall semester.


Costs for conflicts make U.S. vulnerable

Despite what his critics said, President George W. Bush always defended his military policy by saying it would be used to keep the fight away from “our own shores.” After hearing about the recent report from the Commission on the National Guard and Reserves, an independent group, on the capabilities of the military to respond to another homeland attack, however, it might be time to better prepare ourselves.


Law college must come clean for new dean

This is one hell of a secret. For more than a year, not a truthful word has been said about the actual circumstances surrounding former MSU College of Law Dean Terence L. Blackburn’s quiet exit from his post.


Improved counseling center a vital resource

If you’ve ever needed help or someone to talk to and didn’t know where to turn, don’t worry. You’re not alone. The MSU Counseling Center is in the process of improving its programs to better accommodate the needs of students.


Proposed tax rebate small fix for big problem

Go shopping, America. It’s on the government. In an agreement between Congress and the White House, tax refunds — granting rebates of about $300 to $1,200 — would be distributed as early as May to help stimulate consumer spending and give the economy a much-needed boost.


Future of state depends on higher education

We think the secret entrance is around the bronze “Sparty” statue. Through dark, clandestine tunnels underneath campus, there lies a huge safe where MSU President Lou Anna K. Simon heaps huge burlap sacks of money with big, green dollar symbols (cleverly using the Spartan “S,” of course).


Endowment funds needed for future projects

Wait. MSU is sitting on more than $1 billion? Students might be interested to know that according to recent estimates by the Detroit Free Press, some university endowment funds in the state are growing by leaps and bounds.


If clones hit shelves, products need labeling

Good news: Meat and milk taste the way they should. Even if they do come from cloned livestock. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration stated in a 968-page report released this week that “available data has not identified any subtle hazards that might indicate food-consumption risk” when it comes to cloned cattle, swine and goats.

COMMENTARY features won't stop predators, a popular social networking Web site, has recently announced an agreement with Attorney General Mike Cox and other state attorneys general to take more steps toward Internet safety for children.