Saturday, September 28, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Changes sparked by terrorist attacks linger today

For many people, today’s morning sun brought with it a sense of dread and loss — the same sense it has brought every year for seven years. Odds are good that most Americans will pause at some point today and reflect on where they were when they heard the news that fateful day the nation was attacked.


Facebook could be valuable for campus safety

The issue of campus security is consistently on the minds of university administrators, bringing up the question of how to most efficiently alert students. Last year, MSU initiated a system that would alert students of emergencies via text message. Now they are looking for additional ways to bring emergencies to the immediate attention of students.


Research loan companies before signing up

As the credit crunch continues to wreak havoc, students in need are finding their financial aid awards are becoming smaller and smaller while tuition costs rise and rise. Many are turning to private loans to bridge the gap and get the money they need to continue their education.


Palin pregnancy takes focus off McCain campaign

It’s been an eventful week for Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. The little-known politician took the national stage after presumptive Republican presidential nominee John McCain chose her to be his running mate and subsequently endured a media storm rarely seen outside the Lohan family.


Charging residents more for green energy unfair

When it comes to green power in Michigan, there’s good news and bad news. The good news is Michigan lawmakers recently passed legislation to reduce the percentage businesses contribute for new renewable energy for the state. The bad news is Michigan residents now will be footing the majority of the bill.


McCain differs from Republicans on platform

All eyes might have been on Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., and the Democrats last week, but starting today, the media spotlight shifts to the Twin Cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis where the Republicans are holding their National Convention.


Governor should remove Kilpatrick from office

Congratulations, Kwame Kilpatrick. You’ve made it eight months bogged down in a quagmire of legal scandal and felony charges. Eight months of sitting in office while accusation after accusation has come at you. It’s high time your ride ends.


Democrats should unite behind one candidate

In an effort to unite the Democratic Party, Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., officially released her delegates Wednesday. Finally. At long last, Clinton took her hard-earned delegates aside, thanked them, and for the first time, encouraged them to vote for and work to elect Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., who will presumably accept his official nomination tonight.


University rules shouldn't apply off campus

The first week of classes is well under way, and MSU’s campus bustles with activity after a long summer break. Despite the little annoyances of classes, many MSU students have been waiting all summer to get back together with their friends, live in their own space off campus, and jump back into the party scene. Permanent community members, however, might not be so happy.


Lower drinking age encourages safe consumption

In a perfect world, we’d be able to use a person’s emotional age to determine when it’s appropriate for him or her to begin drinking. Unfortunately, we live in an imperfect world and are forced to use age as the deciding factor. But how can we determine the appropriate age to drink?


Examine party platforms when choosing candidate

The media spotlight once again turns toward the Democratic Party as its members flock to Denver for its national convention. In addition to officially establishing the candidacy of Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, the convention — which occurs every four years — also will give a chance for the party to publicize to the nation exactly what it believes and the goals it will be striving to achieve in coming years.


Candidates need more feasible energy policies

A recent series of polls conducted by New York’s Quinnipiac University found that voters in six of seven key battleground states feel that energy policy is more important than the war in Iraq when they’re deciding who should be the next president. Michigan is one of those six states.


Obama's celebrity may bring new voters to polls

What do Britney Spears, Paris Hilton and Sen. Barack Obama have in common? Their celebrity status, of course. Sen. John McCain recently released a Web ad that compares Obama to the two pop divas and dubs him as the biggest celebrity in the world.