Saturday, September 28, 2024

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Legalizing medical marijuana will ease suffering

This November, along with helping select the next president, Michigan voters will be given a chance to voice their opinion on the issue of medical marijuana. Currently, 12 states have legalized the drug to assist patients with both appetite and pain control.


Stem cell research brings opportunity to Mich.

In the current economic climate, if one thing has become clear for Michigan it’s that it must branch out beyond the auto industry. Various ideas of how to do this have sprung up along the way, from the idea of turning the state into the leading green energy producer to Gov. Jennifer Granholm’s Cool Cities program.


Tactics to scare voters away from polls shameful

With the election less than a month away, the dirty tricks have already begun. Drexel University in Philadelphia recently found itself awash in fliers warning students undercover police officers would be present at the polls looking to arrest those with warrants or unpaid parking tickets. The flier was attributed to an “Obama supporter.”


Control over teens' speed could reduce accidents

It’s a scene that may soon be playing out across the country: Teenager gets their first cars and immediately head out alone onto the freeway to see what their new vehicle can do. As they slam on the accelerator, the car screams forward and the speedometer arrow rushes to the right. Yet just as the car hits 80 mph, the acceleration stops, and while the teenager cries out in confusion and frustration, somewhere their parents smile.


Pulling out of Mich. could hurt Republican voters

For many Michigan Republicans, the smell of betrayal hangs in the air. Thursday, just as Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama came to MSU’s campus, Sen. John McCain’s presidential campaign announced it was pulling its advertising and operatives out of Michigan — in effect conceding the state to Obama.


Set partisanship aside to attend Obama rally

It sounds almost Capraesque: Barack Obama goes to East Lansing. At 2:30 p.m. today at Adams Field, the Democratic nominee for president will address MSU students on several topics. Each student who is able, regardless of he or she may lie on the political scale, should take the time to go and hear the man speak.


Debates inform voters more than news analysts

After hours of uncertainty, the show did go on. On Friday night in Oxford, Miss., presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama met for the first of three scheduled presidential debates. Most commentators seem to have declared Obama the night’s victor, but that doesn’t mean those who consider McCain as the winner are wrong.


ACT, SAT don't offer best picture of students

Imagine not spending money and time preparing for the ACT or SAT. Some colleges are beginning to focus less on a student’s performance on the two major standardized tests. A panel of college admissions officials is suggesting universities move away from the ACT and SAT scores and focus on other things such as high school grade-point average, extracurricular activities and classes taken while in high school.


Focus on economy first, then renewable energy

In recent weeks, the U.S. economy has suffered a heart attack. And as with any heart attack, time is needed to heal. Yet Michigan legislators are still arguing over how high a percentage of electricity should come from renewable energy sources, otherwise known as the renewable portfolio standard, or RPS.


Taking campus crime seriously important for all

Don’t cry wolf. It’s a cliché one would think doesn’t bear repeating to college students — young adults responsible for their own homework, rent, meals and general survival. But it appears lately that’s not the case. In a week’s time, two recent reports made to MSU police have been found to be false.


Bridge Card can assist struggling students

There’s no shame in asking for help. If you’re struggling through a math class, you can hire a tutor. Lost on a road trip? Pull over and ask someone at a gas station for directions. But what happens when you find yourself having to decide between paying the rent and buying groceries?


Sharia courts single out British Muslim community

During the past half century, the Western world has, for the most part, prided itself on its acceptance of foreigners coming to its shores and respective cultures. The United States has gone so far as to declare itself a melting pot, where its immigrants’ cultures have a chance to meld and blend.


Frugal habits will ease impact of banking crisis

The economy of the United States took a stunning body blow Monday when storied Wall Street firms Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch both failed in different ways — Lehman Brothers Holding Inc. was forced to file Chapter 11 bankruptcy and Merrill Lynch & Co. sold itself for pennies on the dollar to Bank of America Corp. — even as American International Group Inc. and Washington Mutual teetered on the brink of collapse.