Saturday, September 28, 2024

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Invocation choice reflects bipartisan reach

President-elect Barack Obama will become this nation’s first minority president Tuesday. But not everybody’s voice is being heard, and it’s time for that to change. It’s time to truly become a nation of one.


MSU research can improve Detroit schools

There are no tuition costs for a new form of MSU education. Detroit K-12 students will be getting an early MSU education through a new grant program, but regulations and thorough planning are necessary to ensure time and money are not wasted.


Electric car may not be enough to save Big Three

Start your engines, Detroit, but don’t forget to plug in your car overnight. The Big Three auto companies unveiled several electric concept cars at the 2009 North American International Auto Show as the car manufacturers attempt to keep their collective heads above water.


Racist reactions to Obama's election ignorant

One of the more unfortunate side effects of the election of Barack Obama as president has been a rise in prejudice hate crimes across the nation. These incidents have ranged from the expected name-calling to nooses being hung to a store in Michigan flying a flag upside down — the international signal for distress — the day after Obama was elected.


Recession news not a cause for serious concern

The National Bureau of Economic Research made official Monday what many have known to be a fact for a while: The U.S. is in a recession. No duh, right? What many people fail to grasp is that the nature of a recession is such that it can’t be determined that we’re in one until we’re well into one. Thus, the announcement.


This year's Black Friday behavior out of control

It’s time to reconsider “Shop ‘til you drop.” On Black Friday — the day retailers often see their bottom lines climb out from the negative — shoppers often congregate outside their bastions of retail religion for hours upon hours in the late-fall cold. They leave their Thanksgiving dinners early or skip them altogether.


Clinton a wise choice for secretary of state

It may not be official, but the worlds of news and politics are all abuzz with word that Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., will soon be announced as President-elect Barack Obama’s nominee for the position of secretary of state.


Race-based groups deserve student tax funds

The concept of race is one that has haunted this nation from its very birth. The U.S. has taken tentative step after step forward, trying to reach that mythical future Martin Luther King Jr. once spoke about — a world in which everyone was color-blind, and race no longer mattered.


Obama's economic plans reveal priorities

That didn’t take long. President-elect Barack Obama is still two months away from taking office, yet he’s already begun announcing his plans for how to fix the U.S.‘s moribund economy. Observers shouldn’t be fooled into thinking he’s found the magic bullet for all that ails the nation, however. Often overlooked in his various economic plans is the fact that his promise to create 2.5 million new jobs over his first two years is a gross estimate, and not a net projection.


Financial problems to impact generations to come

What’s the proper reaction to watching your future get mortgaged away by other people? That’s a question likely troubling the vast majority of MSU students as we watch billion after billion be sent off to failing companies — with more than a trillion dollars already spent and no clear sign that things are improving.


Online addresses might reach broader audience

In his campaign for president, President-elect Barack Obama broke many barriers in terms of utilizing modern technology for politicians. Thus, it’s fitting that he’s begun breaking barriers for presidents — even before he takes office.


MSU president's salary reasonable by comparison

It’s easy to jump to conclusions when you hear the higher-ups of any institution are getting raises in these times of economic turmoil. Visions of the “golden parachutes” and $100,000 spa retreats for CEOs of failing companies might come to mind because the news has been plagued with such stories in the wake of the Wall Street bailout.


Police response to gun report well excecuted

It’s one of a college student’s worst fears: A madman comes to class with a gun and opens fire. Although the fear likely has been around for years, the Virginia Tech shootings made it seem all too possible. No longer was the image of a crazed classmate going on a rampage confined to the realm of the imagination.


Unannounced raids harm America's image in war

When the war on terror began shortly after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, it was clear from the start that it would be a completely different war than those the nation had fought before. The fact that a terrorist group has no geographic borders or official representatives has forced the U.S. to completely re-examine how it fights, and develop a whole new set of rules for battle.


Student loans worthy of government protection

With America’s new financial reality, how do you pay for college? It’s a question that is probably only just beginning to haunt students, whether they’re a high school senior applying for their future or a current student wondering where the money for the next semester is going to come from.


Same-sex couples' rights need national discussion

Voters in California passed Proposition 8, which amended the state’s constitution to define marriage as between a man and a woman, essentially eliminating same-sex marriage in the state. Proposition 8 is the latest in a long line of actions taken to reach a permanent conclusion in the state’s struggle to define marriage. A majority of California voters had shown their disapproval toward same marriage once before, but this time their decision at the polls changed existing legislation.