Saturday, September 28, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Be specific when giving sex activity statistics

With Valentine’s Day approaching on Saturday, sex seems to be a hot topic, causing a breakout of lingerie deals and reservations at restaurants. But when it comes to lovemaking, it’s hard to believe the statistics and to ignore common misconceptions.


Study web sites helpful, do not replace class

Naturally, students are willing to try new ways to succeed in classes. The Internet allows the exchange of information and innovation. By combining the two, a new Web site,, has created another way to study class material. The site is a forum to submit class notes and slides for other student’s viewing. This is helpful for those who attend class as a resource or as a safety net to students who missed a class.


Retain current policy for retaking courses

ASMSU’s Academic Assembly code and academic policy committee is sending a message to students — if you fail, try again. Try however many times you want. We’re going to allow you to retake any class in which you receive a 2.5 grade or lower.


Driver tax illogical way to fix Mich. roads

If Michigan follows the road other states and countries are driving, motorists are going to get taxed for how much they travel. And if this is the path Michigan intends to take, then it has suddenly forgotten that while the state might not have any money, neither do its citizens.


All residence halls should remove landlines

MSU will begin removing landline telephones from student housing, and Brody Complex and Mayo Hall will be the first to see the change. The buildings will have landlines removed by the fall 2009 semester and MSU has a lot to gain from continuing this project.


Fixing potholes should be state priority

It’s annoying more than anything. One of those petty little nuisances no driver can escape, but few ever do anything about. Every pothole could shake another piece underneath the car loose or offset the alignment a little further. Something broken? Well, that part will take about a week to arrive from Korea. Which costs extra.


Guarantee of tuition freeze needed to believe it

In the State of the State Address tomorrow, Gov. Jennifer Granholm is expected to recommend public universities and community colleges temporarily freeze tuition costs to help students save money. Colleges that comply with the yearlong freeze would be compensated through funding from President Barack Obama’s stimulus plan.


Look to power plant to save energy on campus

The MSU Power Plant made a temporary change last week from burning coal to burning gasoline to generate power. The reason was simple — gasoline prices have fallen below coal prices and MSU is taking the opportunity to save money on energy costs. In the short term it makes sense to switch to gasoline, but we can’t help but think about MSU’s long-term energy problems.


Paying 20 year old tuition fees wise option

These days, trusting the stock market is about as safe as flossing your teeth with a steak knife. But it’s time to cut around the fat when it comes to college education. People need to start investing in the Michigan Education Trust, or MET.


Recovery bill has potential, needs job focus

When it comes to the economy, there’s no sense in fooling ourselves anymore: Waiting it out hasn’t worked. While many economical hard times are cyclical, the time has come to take action to fix the nation’s economical crisis. President Barack Obama is pushing to start this process, with a few kinks in the plan that need to be worked out.


Coach correct in suspending players for season

Todd Bertuzzi. Marty McSorley. Chris Simon. Corey Tropp. Tropp, a sophomore forward on the MSU hockey team, deserves his name on the aforementioned list of illustrious hockey stick-wielders gone haywire for his assault on Michigan defenseman Steve Kampfer in Saturday’s 5-3 loss to U-M at Yost Ice Arena in Ann Arbor.


Student vigiliance crucial for safe campus

It can sometimes be difficult to feel safe on a 5,200-acre campus with 46,045 students. With the potential to be surrounded by a number of strangers at any given point in time, there should always be cause for alertness.


Proper etiquette still essential for students

Calling professors by their first name is uncomfortable for some, but an everyday occurrence for others. The informalities between students and faculty on campus might not last much longer as more professors are sticking to rules of good old-fashioned etiquette, and there’s nothing wrong with that.