Saturday, September 28, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Taking year off not financially beneficial

Taking a year off before enrolling in college can be viewed as either a significant challenge or an opportunity depending on how the student plans to spend the year. However, a recent proposal by President Barack Obama could give students added incentive to wait.


Choices on St. Patrick's Day up to student

As students go green for St. Patrick’s Day celebrations, they shouldn’t forget to go to class today or Wednesday, either. It is every student’s right to do what they please with their money — and let’s be honest, there is a tremendous amount of deals today at bars across East Lansing.


Scholarship changes should consider all classes

The U.S. middle class has felt the crunch of college for many years. With middle class students being too well off for federal financial aid but without the ability to pay for college without taking out loans, more assistance has been needed for a while — but any actions to improve the middle class situation must take the rest of society into account.


East Village project could hurt community

The homes of thousands of MSU students are apparently not as important to project coordinators as building an “exciting urban neighborhood” near campus. Pierce Education Properties is 12 months into a 30-month deadline to acquire all the property it needs to build the proposed East Village, which would include entertainment venues, restaurants, retail and housing units.


Study abroad numbers show programs too expensive

MSU is home to the nation’s largest public university study abroad program, sending 2,801 students to more than 250 programs in 60 countries. In an increasingly globalized world, it is admirable that the university can boast such a strong reputation for giving its students the ability to experience how other people live.


Transfer of wetlands sign of hard times

The state of Michigan has had a difficult enough time holding onto luxuries, and the possible transfer of wetland regulation to the federal government shows basic necessities also might be sacrificed.


U.S. aid to Mexico could help in drug protests

Spring break vacationers might have the opportunity to experience more of Mexico than what’s in their scheduled itinerary if protests at the U.S.-Mexico border persist. The protests have centered around Mexican soldiers battling drug gangs.


Safe roads needed in areas around campus

For newcomers, MSU has a large and confusing campus. It takes time on foot and behind the wheel to become comfortable navigating the terrain and learning what to expect from drivers and pedestrians. After experiencing a few close-call clashes, most become comfortable with the area.


Student expulsion harsh, teaches lesson

The Internet has become a useful and necessary tool in almost every profession. It has connected all corners, edges and points across the globe. It has opened up the avenues to accessing information, news and entertainment.


Smoking ban should be decided by restaurants

If the state of Michigan were a business, the people running it would have sold the place by now. The state would proudly display signs reading “Under New Ownership” across its borders. Recently foreclosed homes would present big savings to bargain-hunting buyers.


Budget cuts should not target education

There are plenty of places to make cuts in the state budget, and many of Gov. Jennifer Granholm’s suggestions make sense. But the cuts to education — the largest proposed by Granholm — will continue to impede the state’s chances at an economic recovery.