Saturday, September 28, 2024

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Republicans must look to core values

The Republican Party has received flack from the media and the left for being too “conservative,” while on the other hand there are those who are considered “conservative” stating that the party is becoming too moderate.


Calif. court ruling unfortunate, correct

Protesters are lining up in Lansing and other cities around the country — all for a proposal from California’s state elections last November. Proposition 8, which passed in the election, outlawed same-sex marriage throughout the state and later became subject to a state Supreme Court review.


University has right to shut down student group

It might seem like a contradiction that there could be Democrat student groups at Jerry Falwell’s Christian Liberty University. Well, there were. The private university recently shut down its only liberal student organization, the College Democrats.


Credit card act works to protect students

President Barack Obama signed a bill Friday that is going to change the way the credit card industry treats young people. The Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure Act, or CARD Act, is a bill introduced by Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., that will bring protection to students seeking their first credit card, among others.


Health care proposal shows promise for future

State Sen. Tom George, R-Kalamazoo, has introduced a piece of legislation that, if passed, could change how the state and maybe even the country views health care. In an attempt to help quell the rising cost of insurance, the bill could potentially provide state-funded health care for half of Michigan’s 1.2 million citizens who aren’t insured, according to George.


Biblical quotes on reports disrespectful

The George W. Bush administration is still suffering public relations problems even though it is no longer holds the presidential office. The cover sheets for several intelligence reports, which were circulated to high-ranking Pentagon officials including former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, have been revealed to have contained biblical quotations and were occasionally accompanied by pictures of military personnel.


Charging for accidents deserves discussion

Drive carefully if you’re visiting Center Line, Mich., because an accident there could cost you more than just repairs. Center Line, a small community north of Detroit, has started charging nonresidents involved in accidents within city limits to cover the cost of sending police to the scene.


Gay rights caused harm by protesters' actions

Controversy has surrounded a gay rights protest that occurred last year at Mount Hope Church in Lansing, and now it appears the issue is headed to federal court. A lawsuit has been filed on behalf of the church against the gay rights group Bash Back!, which has a chapter in Lansing, after the group disrupted a Sunday morning service this past November.


Keep options open when graduating from MSU

The 2008-09 school year is over, but for graduates, now is the time to reflect on what happened and cherish the memories. Most people spend four years in college, and for most people those four years are the best of their lives.


Remain calm, become educated about swine flu

There is an episode of the TV show “Scrubs” that everybody should watch during this time of swine flu. In the episode, the media report on a pandemic outbreak of a virus that is known to cause vomiting and diarrhea.


Graduates should consider service opportunities

By May 11, MSU graduating seniors will enter the real world. Those with a bachelor’s degree, and maybe even a master’s, might find it difficult to land a job during these unusually tough economic times, no matter how qualified or eager they might be.


Deporting Mich. prisoners illogical choice

Justice is a dish best served in another country. That’s the message state Rep. Alma Wheeler Smith, D-Salem, is sending with her proposed legislation to deport foreign inmates after they serve at least half of their minimum sentence in Michigan. Smith’s logic, however, does nobody justice.


Remembering Holocaust relevant today

Never forget. It’s a phrase repeated for years by people who wish to remind the world of what happened during the Holocaust. More than 6 million Jews perished in World War II Nazi concentration camps, decimating the Jewish population.


Lack of culture in Mich. drives graduates away

Michigan’s economy is in one sorry state. That’s not news to anyone. Daily headlines read that Michigan and the rest of the country are economically spiraling downward, and everyone from pundits to professors are offering their solutions on what should be done.