Saturday, September 28, 2024

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Mich. legislature needs to admit broken promise

In the past few months, no shortage of ink has been spilled concerning the elimination of the Michigan Promise Scholarship. As soon as it became clear the scholarship could be put on the state budget’s chopping block, politicians, university officials and students all entered a heated controversy about its possible termination.


Increasing Friday classes doesn't benefit students

In a move to reduce scheduling conflicts for students, MSU is looking to add more Friday classes because, as MSU Provost Kim Wilcox put it, “As class sections become fewer, we can’t afford class conflicts. … Let’s get back to the standard schedule that we all agreed upon.”


Bridge Card audit should benefit students

Four state representatives have proposed an audit of the Bridge Card system in an attempt to stop what they consider fraud: Students claiming to have “low-income” status while still being listed as a dependent on their parents’ tax returns.


Birth control coverage mandate not justifiable

Although several Michigan insurance companies cover birth control prescriptions, new legislation being brought to the Michigan House might now require all insurance providers in the state to make birth control coverage mandatory.


Tuition hikes would jeopardize Mich's future

There are few decisions that impact students and their parents more than tuition increases. Therefore, it was welcome news last week to find that despite continuing cuts to both the state and university budgets, tuition might not increase.


Obscene cheers have no place at MSU games

After MSU’s crushing defeat by Central Michigan on Saturday, students might not be as concerned about another important football-related loss. “Hockey Cheer” is no longer with us, and third-down plays have become a little quieter and a lot less vulgar.


Extending unemployment benefits right choice

As the United States has trudged through this recession, it has been no secret that our own state has been hurting the most in a lot of ways, especially when it comes to unemployment. Almost 450,000 Michiganians currently are reaping unemployment benefits, and if a new plan passes in Congress soon, Michigan’s unemployed might see an extension to their benefits.


Jones resignation unfortunate, understandable

For those who have missed the news, White House environmental adviser Van Jones announced his resignation Saturday. It’s a resignation we find understandable. Jones didn’t want to take away from the real work that President Barack Obama’s administration is trying to accomplish, a sentiment we find admirable.