Saturday, September 28, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Partying habits need to be re-examined after deaths

In the past month, the MSU community has had to deal with the tragic deaths of two students. On Nov. 5, Alpha Epsilon Pi member and business sophomore Ryan Rosman was killed after being dragged by a bus in Detroit, and Nov. 21, Alpha Gamma Rho and environmental soil science and chemistry senior Brian McMillen died of unknown causes.


Giving public time at Academic Council right move

The MSU administration lately has made a big fuss about its desire to be transparent with the student body. The latest organization to jump on this “transparency bandwagon” is MSU’s Academic Council, part of the university’s Academic Governance system


Faculty, students would benefit from fall break

It’s an old rivalry. We have a facility for rare isotope beams, they have a library nicknamed “the Ugly.” We have a majestic 9-foot tall statue of Sparty, and they have some pavement tile you can’t step on or you’ll fail your first blue book.


World must come together on climate change

Remember in high school when everyone came together to plan the senior prank? Something so mind-blowing the school would remember it for years to come? Everyone was excited for it, but when the time came, no one took charge. Nothing happened. And time ran out.


Medill students' findings, not motives, important

Technically, you do not need a degree in journalism to be a journalist. Student journalists across the country are doing quality work and should be treated the same as their professional colleagues. But, lately, that hasn’t been the case.


Dorm promotion must account for students' needs

Anyone who has eaten in one of MSU’s many cafeterias has probably noticed that, placed in the center of each table is a table-topper, which, for the past several weeks, has been running ads encouraging students to live on campus next year.


Students deserve to know cost of ASMSU retreat

Please believe us: We actually don’t enjoy calling out ASMSU. As MSU’s undergraduate student government, ASMSU serves an important function on campus. However, as long as the group continues to make major missteps, we would be failing in our purpose if we did not draw attention to it.


Case highlights dangers of social networking

Our generation finds itself in the middle of a storm of Internet dating sites, Facebook and various other friend-finders. The Web hasn’t been a safe place for kids to surf for some time now, but young adults shouldn’t be ignorant to its possibilities or dangers.


Discontinuing programs would hurt students

We all came to MSU with the idea that this university would propel us into the professional world equipped with the best tools available. We would head out into the world with knowledge from the smartest professors and experience from the best available internships. After all, we are Spartans.


Budget shows Mich.'s contempt for students

After months of debating, a two-hour government shutdown and a monthlong extension, Gov. Jennifer Granholm finally signed a new Michigan budget into law last Friday, effectively eliminating the state’s $2.8 billion deficit.